Thursday, June 2, 2011

A minty-licious disaster!

Whew, sorry about the break!  Real Life got in the way there!  But that's boring, away we go!

So last time we talked, I had lovingly sewed my shoes back together with dental floss and was feeling very proud and peaceful.

The next day, walked into my Dance Base class ready to be the dancing queen . . .and I was!  Well sorta, but I was definitely doing better, you know, with my shoes tied now.

Anyway, I'm doing barre work like there's no tomorrow, my port de bra* was rocking, I had my serious, but pretty, ballet face on, my feet and looking great when I tendu*, generally loving it.

Then we move into the center and things are still going well.

That is until we reach the turns.

That loose feeling is back.

I have come undone.

I'm not sure if the "Goddamnit" I uttered in my head was out loud, but now I'm standing at the back of the class, desperately trying to find the drawstrings that have slipped back into the depths of my slipper while I'm missing out on much needed practice on pirouettes.

And my mind was made up, these are not going to do the trick, I require a new pair of shoes.

* Side note:  I can't spell or speak French.  So until I absorb the correct spellings, I will just spell as I hear.  Do not judge me!

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