Monday, May 9, 2011

Core Meltdown

Despite having fairly solid legs and being rather flexible for someone my age and general activity level, my middle bit leaves me lacking.  Who knew that strong core muscles was so important for balance?  Certainly not me, but it sure explains my lack of coordination.

When I'm at the barre, I'm doing great.  Plie, revele, tendu, grande battement,  I'm on it.  It's once I let go of my lovely wooden lifeline that I start to tip and wobble and look decidedly unballerina like.

Sorta like one of those weeble wooble things you might have had as a kid, with the sand in the bottom.

I'm particularly worried about this as I have a show coming up in June.  It won't be particularly cute if I'm rocking the beginning of the dance in the first row then tip over to the discerning eye of random strangers.

Pilates and planks, here I come.  

And gotta learn to suck my gut in, leotards are none too forgiving!

Which reminds me of my bingo wing horror, but that's a tale for another day.


  1. OMG...You have a show coming up?! Are you guys doing Swan Lake? Are you the Black Swan!?

    P.S. I loved that movie and could totally see you being Natalie Portman!

  2. It's the end of year show for my little ballet school. Don't think we'll be doing swan lake! I wish!!!

    Black Swan was great, I need to watch it again!

    Could you be my Mila Kunis?!
